Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This year has been so amazing and full of so many transformations for me as an artist. While I have always loved art, AP 2-D has brought me new inspiration, challenged me, and given me a drive that I never had before. Even though I did not officially join the AP class until the second semester, I felt welcomed into a supportive environment.
Creating and developing my concentration was a big challenge. I wasn't really solid on what precisely my concentration would be until I was forced to decide when I officially joined the class, but I'm proud of where it took me. My concentration allowed me to focus on human relationships, which I find intensely interesting in and outside of art, and work on bringing out human emotion. I am most proud of the pieces for which I was most fully inspired, that took me away and transported me into the mental/emotional/spiritual state in which I create my best work; these include my "pinecone" piece, the famous "guitarist," and the graphite piece titled "mothers." While my best pieces were often my most challenging, the real challenge came towards the end of the year in finding yet more inspiration--getting out of that rut and finding the final push. This "rut" did not produce my favorite work, by any means, but getting out of it did lend my final pieces some new and interesting elements.
Advice for next year? Work in class, don't psych yourself out, and most of all find what truly motivates and inspires you to do what you love so much--art!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I had fun working in the loft with you, and I'm glad you joined our class :]